Labels:grandstand | monitor | railing | reckoner | sky OCR: STOP THE PRESSES! JUNK BOND FUNDS LEAD OUR FIXED-INCOME RANKINGS Take a seat for this news High-yield j junk bond funds sprinted to the top of out fixed-income charts in MenuET with a total return of 1.4% The strong showing atter alost two yearsof losses that cost investors 13% on averige was driven in part by hopes that the sector sdefault rute drop as the cconamy reewers Mortgage- -buckext securitics funds. tifted by falling interesi rates placexi second. up 1.2%. Partfolio analysis 5 gnin or oss| to Feh.1, 1991 larimum Minin ranked Topperi formers byone-yearreturn risk-adjister auo On Three TVE years sales charg initia investmem initia Telephone U.S. GOVERNMENT BONDS First Trust tu.s Govt Securities 1.3 12.7 3 8 F $1,000 800-848-8222 Quest for Value -U.S. Gov. High Income 1.3 12.7 8.2 2 ...